Sunday, February 8, 2009

FREE Wheat Thins & Ritz Crackers!!!

In the SmartSource coupons in the newspaper on 1-25-09, there are $2/2 coupons for any Ritz or Wheat Thins crackers. Well, they are on sale for $5/5 at CVS this week. That means FREE crackers! If you are interested in this deal, you can buy 10 or 20 of the coupons off of Ebay for about $2.00. Definitely worth it if you like Ritz or Wheat Thins!

Transaction 1

Wheat Thins, $1.00 * 7
Ritz, $1.00 * 7
CVS Mouthwash, $1.89
Benefiber Sticks, $8.99

Total $24.88

-$2/2 Ritz and Wheat Thins Coupons * 7
-$1.89, FREE CVS Mouthwash Coupon
-$2.00 Benefiber Coupon
-$3.00 CVS Benefiber Coupon

Total $3.99, Paid w/ $4 ECBs

Earned $3 ECBs for the Benefiber

1 comment:

  1. So do you get funny looks from the cashier when you don't actually hand over any money?! I guess they're probably used to it as they have such good coupon deals. I know I've said this a thousand times, but you're going to have to just show me how all this works, as I'm still totally confused by the ECBs and the coupons in general!
